I'm Diana Zhu

Nutritionist, cook and health coach.

I'm Diana Zhu

Nutritionist, cook and health coach.

I have collaborated with...

Some of the media in which I have participated

Click on the logo to access my interview

I want to tell you a little bit about myself...

I started studying nutrition because several years ago I had been suffering from eating disorders that made me feel awful: bloating, binge eating, anxiety, hormonal problems and much more. I felt that my quality of life was really poor and I needed to understand how my body and nutrition worked, so I started to dedicate myself to it.

I learned everything I needed to nourish my body and lead a better quality of life, but I still felt I needed a purpose: I understood that it was not only about nourishing the body, it was also about nourishing the soul and the mind to have really satisfying results.

That’s how I started to learn coaching and combined it with my knowledge of nutrition to specialize in holistic nutrition: nutrition hand in hand with your purpose.

By creating that balance in body, mind and soul, you will achieve that better version of yourself, manifesting the life you deserve.

Today I have been helping more than 500 people around the world for over 10 years to create a healthy and sustainable long-term lifestyle, not only through a balanced diet and an effective plan, but also through purpose and self-love.

I am

Podcast: Nourish Your Self

A safe space to nurture and connect with your body, mind and soul, where we will talk about wellness, personal growth, healthy lifestyle and much more. To achieve that best version of you manifesting the life you deserve.

What can i do for you?

  • For your body: I can help you heal your body through tools that allow you to improve your health in alignment with your purpose.
  • For your mind: I can help you reframe your mindset about what food and nutrition really is, to cultivate a healthy relationship with yourself, have more self-love, confidence, self-esteem and freedom.
  • For your soul: I can help you find your purpose and find peace in your mind-body connection so you can become your best self.

We have achieved a lot together...

My promise to you:

I will teach you how to nourish yourself both inside and on the outside through mindful, intuitive, flexible and sustainable nutrition for your body, mind and soul.

What are they saying about me?

Hi Diana, thank you very much, I just finished watching the recorded class, but I found it excellent, thank you for sharing so much and changing the lives of many people, what you do is very valuable and has the best intentions. It truly is a pleasure to connect with you and to have joined your course.
Howdy Diana, thanks to your YT videos of recipes and tips, I've managed to lose more than 30 kg in less than a year. The high protein sweets helped me a lot to calm the sugar withdrawal. Thanks for everything, you really helped me a lot.
Thank you for being a great inspiration and example to follow, you transmit a very peaceful aura and you have a very sweet and soothing tone of voice and way of speaking that, at least to me, helps me a lot when I am stressed, you are a beautiful person, please never change, we love you.